How to Prepare for Registration Periods - For Section Scouters & Group Commissioners


  1. Registration preparation
  2. Checklist for registration



Registration Preparation

Scouts Canada is an all-year activity-based organization that includes weekly Section meetings, camps/outings and individual activities in the summer. The membership year for participants is from January until December; however, registration can occur anytime throughout the year. Peak registration is in the fall, as this aligns with school and the beginning of the program cycle, and the winter when the new membership year begins.


 Checklist for Registration

  • Confirm each section’s meeting locations, times and contact details are up-to-date in MyScouts.
  • Confirm Group Fees and date parameters are set in MyScouts. See How to View and Set Organization Fees for a detailed guide
  • Verify or add the summer programming option if your Group offers summer programming. See 'How to enable Summer Programming Option on the Group Locator.' for a detailed guide.
  • Confirm each section’s maximum participant limit is set correctly in MyScouts. 
  • Verify Volunteer numbers for the entire upcoming registration period - ensure the Two Scouter Rule and Section Ratio are maintained. 
  • Verify that all Volunteers who are expected to be on the floor are Active. Registered and not missing screening requirements. (For GCs, Registrars, Administrators)
  • Consider hosting an Open House or Parent Info night to enhance recruitment efforts


Help Centre

Still, need help? Please feel free to contact the Scouts Canada Help Centre.

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