Membership status indicates the current status of an individual relative to full registration with Scouts Canada.
- Inactive: The individual has no current role entered into the system. Parents who not Volunteers in any role and members who are registered are 'inactive'.
- Not Renewed: The 'Not Renewed' status is used temporarily by the system to indicate members that are currently 'Inactive', but were 'Active' in the previous registration year.
- Pending: The individual has registered in the current Scouting Year as a volunteer member of Scouts Canada and is Pending completion of the Volunteer Screening Procedure
Please note: A 'Pending' participant role indicates that online registration has been initiated but not completed. Pending participant roles do not count towards a Section's capacity limit and are not reserving a spot for that youth. Pending Volunteers are in the process of completing screening and are not able to participate actively with youth.
- Active: The individual has registered in the current Scouting Year as a volunteer member of Scouts Canada and is fully compliant in regards to their Volunteer Screening & Training requirements.
Please note: An 'Active' participant role indicates that the individual has fully registered in the current Scouting Year as a Participant. Only 'Active' Volunteer Roles are able to participate on the floor with youth.
Volunteers in 'Pending' status are shown together with indicators of the missing elements of their screening. Due to visual space constraints in these views, as well as on membership reports, the terms have abbreviated. They are listed in the 'requires' column of an individual and defined by the following below:
- CYS = Child & Youth Safety- Filled by completing Safe Scouting for Parents (if they are a parent overnight helper) and for all other Scouters Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders- Part of "Scouting Fundamentals"
- ACC = Accessibility Training (AODA) - Part of 'Scouting Fundamentals'
- WBl = Wood Badge l
- SF = Scouting Fundamentals
- RiS = Respect in Sport - Part of 'Scouting Fundamentals'
- CoC = Agreement to the Code of Conduct - signed electronically in MyScouts, will auto-populate when a new Volunteer or Rover role is created.
- Int = Interview information
- Ref = Reference Check
- PRC = Police Records Check
- VSS = Vulnerable Sector Screening
- CAR = Child Abuse Registry Check (only applicable for residents of Manitoba & Nova Scotia).
- CAP = Approval by Council for Volunteers.
- GCAP = Approval by Group Commissioners for Volunteers
- SSP = Safe Scouting for Parents
- Exp = Discussion about the expectations of the Parent Helper/Parent Overnight Helper/Adult Overnight Helper role. To be recorded in MyScouts prior to an individual with this role attending camp/activity
- Organization: Records in are stored either as "Organization" or "Individual" records. Organization records represent any group/council/area/section, etc. within the organization regardless of hierarchical placement (see Organizational Hierarchy below). Organizations can be parents or children of each other. For example, Scouts Canada is an organization (the highest parent level), but so is the 73rd London Colony (which is a child organization of the 73rd London Group).
- Individual: Each unique person involved with or accessing Scouts Canada is stored as an Individual Record.
- Parent Organization - The organization which provides direct support to any given organization. For example, Scouts Canada is the parent organization to Tri-shores Council OR 3rd Toronto Group is the parent organization to the 3rd Toronto Beaver Scout Colony.
- Child Organization - The organization(s) which are directly supported by any given organization. For example, all twenty Councils across the country are the child organization to Scouts Canada OR the 70th London Beavers, Scouts, Cubs, Venturers, and Rovers are the Child Organization to the 70th London Group.
- Primary Organization - Each registered member of Scouts Canada may have a variety of Volunteer/Participant/Employee roles. records a designated "Primary Role" for the purposes of identifying a point of registration.
Scouts Canada is structured to provide Volunteer and employee support to our sections. The support structure exists as described below, and is reflected in through the organizational hierarchy. Much of the role permissions within MyScouts are based on this hierarchy.
- National Organization - Scouts Canada
- Councils - 20 Across The Country Councils are child organizations to Scouts Canada, and represent twenty geographical divisions across the country.
- Groups - Direct support to sections, maintains a relationship with a community sponsor such as a Church or Community Hall.
- Sections - Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venturer Scouts, or Rover Scouts
Help Centre
Still, need help? Please feel free to contact the Scouts Canada Help Centre: