Child Abuse Registry check (CAR) - Manitoba and Nova Scotia


  1. What is the Child Abuse Registry?
  2. How to complete a Child Abuse Registry check in Nova Scotia?
  3. How to complete a Child Abuse Registry check in Manitoba?
  4. What is the time frame to receive a Child Abuse Registry Check?
  5. What is the difference between a Criminal Record Check, Vulnerable Sector Screening and Child Abuse Registry Check?
  6. How often do I have to renew my Police Record Check, Vulnerable Sector Screening and Child Abuse Registry Check?
  7. Why only Manitoba and Nova Scotia-based volunteers?
  8. What about Rover participants (non-Scouters)?


What is the Child Abuse Registry?

The Child Abuse Register contains the names of persons who have been found by the court to have abused children. It is used to screen prospective foster and adoptive parents, and prospective employees or volunteers who are or would be working with children.

The Child Abuse Registry only exists currently in Nova Scotia & Manitoba and is included as a component of screening for Volunteers (Scouters) in these provinces.

In Manitoba here are 3 ways that a name may be listed on the CAR
1. A person was found guilty or pleaded guilty to an offense involving the abuse of a child in a court either inside or outside of Manitoba;
2. A family court has found a child to be “in need of protection” from a person due to abuse; or
3. A child and family service agency’s Child Abuse Committee has reviewed the case and formed an opinion that a person has abused a child.

In Nova Scotia This Child Abuse Registry is designed to serve as a database where the names of individuals who have been convicted of an offense against a child under the Criminal Code 24 April 2003
are maintained. These offenses include, in part, sexual interference, invitation to sexual touching, sexual exploitation, causing death by criminal negligence, murder, manslaughter, attempted murder, assault, indecent exposure, abandoning a child, aggravated assault, sexual assault and kidnapping


How to complete a Child Abuse Registry (CAR) check in Nova Scotia?

The CAR process and forms are easily accessible, and can be printed from the Department of Community Services website. The applicant can request CAR checks for their own name only by following the direction on the application form. Their search results will be provided to the individual by the province, in an embossed letter, which can then be shared with Scouts Canada by the individual.


How to complete a Child Abuse Registry (CAR) check in Manitoba?

Applicants can obtain a CAR check form from their Council though email, or from their Group Commissioner or Support Scouter/ Relationship Manager. Forms must be filled out and verified with an
ID check by a Group Commissioner or appropriate Commissioner before it is considered complete.
Once the form is verified as complete, it can be sent directly to the province by the applicant or their Group Commissioner to the address listed on the registry check form.

After receiving the CAR forms package, MCFSD will forward the results to Scouts Canada.
Safe Scouting will then notify the applicant, Group Commissioner and Member Services Administrator and Registrar of the results and your MyScouts account will be updated accordingly (external screening CAR aligns with Police Record Check / Vulnerable Sector Screening).

When they've completed processing if you are not on the register you will receive a certificate confirming you are not on the register.

Send the original certificate to:
Scouts Canada National Headquarters
1345 Baseline Rd.
Ottawa, ON
K2C 0A7

*Only clean CAR certificates must be dated within 3 months of receipt will be accepted

The Manitoba CAR forms package has three parts. Manitoba and Scouts Canada have pre-filled certain portions of the form. The following are directions for how to complete the each part. If in doubt, consult the examples below

Complete Forms
Note: Scouts Canada is the “Applicant”, and the individual completing the form is the “Subject”.
a. Part 1—Consent Form
i. Scouter (Subject) must sign and date in the space provided.
b. Part 2—Information and Results
i. Do not alter Sections A-1, A-2, A-3-
ii. Section A-4: Person verifying identifications, signs “Signature of Applicant staff who verified Subject’s identification”.
iii. Do not alter Applicant’s Signature
iv. Section B-1 through B-7—Scouter (Subject) completes all fields.
v. Do not alter Section C
c. Part 3—Fee Payment (there is no cost for this check)
i. Enter Subject’s name in space provided.
ii. Do not alter any additional fields.

Forward completed forms package (parts 1–3) to Manitoba Child and Family Service Division by email (preferred), mail or fax:
Scan and email to MCFSD intake (preferred):
ii. Subject line should read Scouts Canada—CAR Application                                                               

By mail:
Manitoba Child and Family Services Division
Child Abuse Registry
2nd floor, 777 Portage Ave
Winnipeg, MB,
R3G 0N3
c. Via Fax:

What is the time frame to receive a Child Abuse Registry Check?

You should allow a minimum of two weeks for your VS check to be processed. At times, there may be a delay in the processing of the CAR.

Nova Scotia – For delays, call The Child Care Registry, Department of Community Services at (902) 424-6798 to receive more information on the processing time.

Manitoba – Contact Safe Scouting for assistance if you have not received a notification within 3 weeks of mailing your form to the province.


What are the costs for a Child Abuse Registry Check?

There is no fee charge to obtain a CAR in either province.

What is the difference between a Criminal Record Check, Vulnerable Sector Screening and Child Abuse Registry Check?
• A Criminal Record Check verifies whether an individual has a criminal record and provides the applicant with the detailed information that can be legally disclosed
• A Vulnerable Sector Screening is an enhanced Criminal Record Check that includes the pardoned sex offender database
• A Child Abuse Registry check means a search of the Child Abuse Registry conducted in accordance with the Children and Family Services Act (respective to each province).


How often do I have to renew my Police Record Check, Vulnerable Sector Screening and Child Abuse Registry Check?

CAR's must be renewed every 3 years.


Why only Manitoba and Nova Scotia-based volunteers?

Only the provinces of Manitoba and Nova Scotia offer provincially based registries.


What about Rover participants (non-Scouters)?

As with PRC’s Rovers will be required to submit a CAR check. All roles listed in the Volunteer Screening Procedure that require a PRC will also require the CAR check in the respective provinces.



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