Interviews FAQ

  1. Who can conduct interviews?
  2. Who can add interviews to MyScouts accounts?
  3. When are interviews included as a component of Volunteer Screening criteria? 
  4. Who is asked to complete an interview?
  5. How does a Youth Scouter's interview differ from an adult Scouter's interview?

How to add interviews in MyScouts


Who can conduct interviews?

Seasoned Scouters ensure that new Scouters are interviewed in a manner consistent with our screening process and procedures thereby contributing to the adherence to Scouts Canada’s Child and Youth Safety policies.

Interviewers adhere to the Volunteer Support Strategy and follow the Screening Interview Guide in order to determine fit and suitability.

Each interview must maintain the following:

  1. There must be at least two interviewers 
  2. All screening components of their primary Scouting role and currently have an Active status.
  3. Both interviewers have completed the aligned online learning Volunteer Screening: It is Our Duty.
  4. One of the two interviewers must have participated in 5 or more interviews.


Who can add interviews to MyScouts accounts?

The Group Commissioner, Group Registrar, and Group Administrator have the ability at the Group level to add interviews to MyScouts accounts. Council Commissioners and Registrars also have this capability.


When are interviews included as a component of Volunteer Screening criteria? 

Interviews are done as a component of the initial Volunteer Screening Procedure for new Scouters.

Scouters who move from one Group to another are asked to have a new interview completed by their new Group.


Who is asked to complete an interview?

All Scouters, including youth Scouters and Rovers. The roles of Parent and Adult Helpers / Overnight complete a review of the Code of Conduct and have Expectations of their role explained to them rather than a formal interview.


How does a youth Scouter's interview differ from an adult Scouter's interview?

In general, the same guidelines are followed when interviewing adult Volunteers as Youth Volunteers; however, the process differs. Youth Volunteers complete a two-part interview, with the Scouter’s parents present, this should take place as outlined in the Youth-aged Interview Assessment guide. This part of the process is important to ensure communication between parents, the youth Scouter, and Scouter teams and helps ensure their safety in this leadership position.



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