Police Record Check (PRC) Submission Process


  1. What are the PRC requirements for Scouters?
  2. How can new Scouters submit their PRCs?
  3. How can returning Scouters submit their PRCs?
  4. What happens when a youth volunteer turns 18? Do they have to stop volunteering until they can obtain a PRC/VSS?/span


What are the PRC requirements for Scouters?

All Volunteers aged 18+ are required to provide a clean PRC with Vulnerable Sector Search during their initial application. Volunteers must renew their Police Records Check every 3 years to remain compliant with Scouts Canada Screening Procedure.


How can new Scouters submit their PRCs?

New Volunteers must submit their clean PRC/VSS received from their local Police Detachments as part of their screening requirements. PRCs can be submitted directly to Scouts Canada by the volunteer and do not need to be verified by the Group Commissioner. There are multiple ways that they can submit their PRC/VSS to Scouts Canada depending on the format in which they receive the completed PRC/VSS.

Option 1: Electronic Submission by the Volunteer Candidate

a) Police Record Check Submission Form (New and Preferred)

The new PRC/VSS/CAR form has been developed to streamline the intake process with an added layer of security. We highly recommend using the form among all other options. The form can be accessed via https://help.scouts.ca/hc/en-ca by choosing the Submit A Request option at the top right or by clicking at this link.  

b) Digital download link

Provide the URL Link from the Police site along with all required access details for us to download. 

Note: Most Police services only allow download access for 30 days from the date of the completed PRC.

c) Email with a PDF Attachment (only available until January 1, 2025)

Attach and email the PDF file of your new PRC to the address below. Please note that this option will be phased out by the end of year 2024.

Submission Guidelines

PRCs from options b and c are submitted via:

Email to:  registration@scouts.ca  

Subject: PRC to Process  

CC: Your Group Commissioner or Council Commissioner/Relationship Manager/Group Support Scouter

Text of Email: State your full name and Scout Group you are applying to volunteer with.

All pages must be included, the entire page(s) are required, and all parts must be clearly legible. Where multiple pages are indicated, the applicable pages must be included - ideally as part of the same scan rather than individual pdfs. (i.e., If the bottom of their first page indicates, “Page 1 of 2”, there must also be one that shows “Page 2 of 2”.)  

Option 2: Mail Submission

For those Volunteers who prefer not to use the above PRC submission options, original paper PRC document can be mailed to:

Scouts Canada  
c/o Registration Support  
1345 Baseline Road  
Ottawa, ON K2C 0A7  
Individuals wanting originals returned must include a self-addressed stamp envelope.  

PRC/VSS/CAR Scans will be rejected if: 

  • incomplete 
  • not easily legible 
  • received at Scouts Canada more than three (3) months from the search results date
  • search was completed for another organization instead of explicitly for Scouts Canada as required
  • does not meet Scouts Canada PRC standards as outlined in point 7 of the Volunteer Screening Procedure.    

The sender will be notified if a PRC is rejected and the reason(s).  


How can returning Scouters submit their PRC renewals?

Current scouters use the above options to submit a renewed PRC either electronically or by mail. PRCs can be submitted directly to Scouts Canada by the volunteer and do not need to be verified by the Group Commissioner. Renewed PRCs must include a Criminal Records Check and Judicial Matter Check (Level 2).

Volunteers renewing their PRCs can also use MyBackCheck. For more detailed instructions on how to use Backcheck, please see the Backcheck section in Police Record Check (PRC) Renewals article. 

To request an invitation to complete a Police Record Check for Scouts Canada using MyBackCheck, please email registration@scouts.ca with the following:

  • Subject: BackCheck invitation
  • Provide us with: Full Name and Group Name

Please Note: PRCs from any other third-party organizations like CERTN or TRITON are not accepted.


What happens when a youth volunteer turns 18? Do they have to stop volunteering until they can obtain a PRC/VSS?

Youth Volunteers are encouraged to apply for their PRC/VSS as soon as possible. We will provide a 60-day grace period to allow active youth Volunteers to continue serving in their role once they turn 18 as long as they provide proof to their Commissioner that they have applied for their PRC/VSS.


Help Centre

Still need help? Please feel free to contact the Scouts Canada Help Centre:

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