When will participant registration for 2024 end?
Registration for the 2024 membership year will cease on July 17, 2024.
Is there going to be a blackout period for registration?
Yes. There will be no participant registration available between July 17-31. Parents will be unable to waitlist their youth during this time either.
What is the plan for 2025 participant registration?
We are opening 2025 participant registration exclusively for returning members on August 1, 2024. Anyone currently registered in Scouting can renew their membership in the same Group for 2025 between August 1 and September 7. Waitlist notifications for new members will be disabled during this time.
What will the National Registration Fee be for 2025?
The National Registration will be $270 for a 2025 membership. This does not include any Group fees charged to defray local programming costs or any weekly dues that the Group may require.
Will Groups continue to receive $15 from each registration in their Group?
No. They will instead receive $25 from every youth registration, a 66% increase from prior years.
Where does the registration fee go?
When will new members be able to register for the 2025 membership year?
Registration for 2025 will be available for new members on a staggered, regional-based schedule starting September 8, 2024. Existing members may renew their membership into a different Group once registration is available for that Group.
Why is new member registration being staggered this year?
To protect the MyScouts system, reduce wait times, and provide an improved registration experience for parents and volunteers, we have decided to stagger the peak new member registration period to reduce the load on the system.
What is the staggered, regional registration schedule?
September 8-14 - New and existing members can register in Groups located in British Colombia and Alberta ONLY. MyScouts access is unrestricted for volunteer functions but remains protected by the waiting room.
September 15-21 - New members and existing members can register in Groups located in Ontario ONLY. MyScouts access is unrestricted for volunteer functions but remains protected by the waiting room.
September 22 - New members and existing members can register in Groups located in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and Prince Edward Island. New and existing members who could not register during their regional window can also register at this time. MyScouts access is unrestricted for volunteer functions but remains protected by the waiting room.
Will new members who register for 2025 be able to participate for the remainder of the 2024 membership year?
If there is capacity on a Section’s 2024 roster to accommodate additional youth, anyone who registers for 2025 will be offered a spot for the rest of 2024. If you want your youth to participate for the rest of 2024, please ensure that a 2024 role is included during registration. The membership(s) you receive with your registration will be displayed on the checkout page.
What about families who registered during Summer 2024? Will they be required to renew for 2025 just a couple of months after paying for 2024?
We will offer 2025 memberships to all families who registered their youth in Scouting between May 15 and July 17. These families will be contacted to confirm if they would like to accept this offer to have their youth’s membership extended through the 2025 membership period. This will enable our Member Services team to ensure that these youth are given 2025 roles and can help families find a different Group for their youth should there be capacity restrictions in the Section they are registered with for 2024. Please note that if a Group has waived its 2024 Group Fees then families may be requested to pay a Group fee for their extended 2025 membership to help offset program costs at the local level.
When will these families be contacted to receive a 2025 membership?
We are planning to contact these families beginning August 15. This will provide existing members with 2 full weeks to renew their membership before extensions start to be offered to those who registered in the Summer.
When do parents have to accept the offer of 2025 membership?
Eligible parents have until October 31, 2024, to accept the offer of 2025 membership for the 2024 registration completed between May 15 and July 17, 2024. For the 2025 role to be added to eligible youth's records, their parent must confirm their intent to extend their youth's membership. 2025 roles will not be added automatically.
What about youth who are currently waitlisted? Will they have to be re-added to a waitlist if there is no capacity available for them in their preferred Group?
No. We will not be deleting the waitlist from the 2024 membership year but rolling over the existing waitlist so the priority sequence from this year is maintained.
What about youth who are on the waitlist for a Section that they have aged out of?
Youth who were waitlisted for a Beaver Colony but are now of age for the Cub program will automatically be transferred to the waitlist for Cubs. If a waitlist does not exist for that Section, they will be able to register as soon as registration opens for new members.
What do Groups need to do to prepare for the upcoming registration period?
Groups can use the How to Prepare for Registration Periods - For Section Scouters & Group Commissioners guide. There is also a Group Tool Kit and a video tutorial on completing essential MyScouts tasks to prepare for registration linked below.
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