How do I prepare to register my child as a first-time participant?
1) Be prepared to include personal information about your youth. Specifically, 3 emergency contacts, information such as Provincial Healthcare Number, insurance details, doctor's contact information, allergies, dietary restrictions, medical conditions & special care instructions.
2) Ensure you are using a desktop or laptop computer with access to the internet. Mobile and handheld devices are not always compatible with the system and are best to avoid.
3) Method of payment. Paying fees are the final step when completing registration. Acceptable methods of payment are credit card; Visa, Mastercard and AMEX, and PayPal (debit can be used through PayPal).
Note: The option to pay via Group Billing code will appear only if your Group has given you the option to use a Group Billing code.
How to register my child as a first-time participant
Go to: JOIN Select ' LET'S GET STARTED' found at the bottom of the page
Select 'Let's Get Started' once selected you will be brought to a page asking you to include your email address.
If you already have an email address aligned with a MyScouts account please include the address already linked with your MyScouts account. .
Step 1: Collect Information
Begin with yourself (parent)
This concludes requested parent/guardian information. Select 'NEXT' to be taken back to the 'MY FAMILY' page.
Step 2: Create your youth's account
*Note the Emergency Contact information requested when you created your Parent/Guardian registration are the same Emergency Contacts listed for your youth, this is why when you create your youth's account the Emergency Contacts you included previously will appear.
A Parent/Guardian account is required when you register youth in Scouting. When you register your youth their account will be linked with your account.
Join allows you to bypass the step of entering your postal code to search for a Group. Join will use the postal code you included in 'Step 1: Collect Information'
The nearest Group to the postal code previously included in 'Step 1: Collect Information' with capacity will appear. If you would like to see all Groups select the blue icon 'See All Groups'
If you select 'See All Groups' this is the page that will appear
A full list of all Groups in your area will appear.
If Groups offer summer programming you will see a sunshine icon followed by a note stating the 'Program runs throughout the summer. If a Group runs a program from September until June nothing additional is listed.
If a Group is full you will have the opportunity to be added to the sections wait list.
When you choose 'Select this Group' you are brought to your 'My Family' page. Tick off the box located under 'Sign up' to register your youth
After you select 'Continue' you will be brought to a page asking you if you are able to help out.
Once you select 'Continue' you will be brought to 'Terms and Conditions'
Select 'Continue' and you will be brought to Step 3: MAKE PAYMENT
Select 'Continue' to move forward with payment
Lastly, you will complete the payment information. You have the choice of payment via credit card (Visa/Mastercard/AMEX), debit, PayPal or Group Billing code (the option to use a Group Billing Code will only appear if the Group has made the option available). If a Group Billing Code is available the option will appear as shown in screen-shot below.
Reminder: Scouts Canada divides its fees into two portions, the National Registration Fee, and a Group Fee (if applicable), these are added together to give a final fee amount that is listed under Cost. Fees are inclusive of taxes.
If your purchase is successful you will be brought to your receipt. At the bottom of the page you will see the option to close - this completes your registration!
If you choose to move forward with completing the information at a later time the categories can be found within My Menu under Member Options in your MyScouts account.
- Emergency information: 3 emergency contacts
- Medical Information: Provincial healthcare number, physician information, insurance information, allergies, dietary restrictions, conditions or concerns to be aware of, date of most recent tetanus shot and swimming abilities (swimmer or non-swimmer)
- Directory, Photo & Fundraising Options: Photo release and communication consents
- Parent/Guardian: Involvement survey
Once your payment has been processed your receipt will appear. You will be able to access your receipt at any time (if your payment is made online) by selecting Reprint Receipt from your Member Options menu.
If you abandon the registration process part way through you will be able to resume your child’s registration.
Log back into MyScouts and select the tab titled Incomplete Registrations. Select Resume to pick up where you left off, or Delete to remove the registration completely.
What happens after my child has been registered?
After your youth has been registered you will receive an email confirmation explaining that you will be contacted by a Scouter with your youth's new Group. You should be contacted within a week of registration.
How to renew my child as a participant for the upcoming season?
Step 1: Sign into MyScouts
Note: If both parents have a MyScouts account the parent listed as the 'Primary Parent' will be able to move forward with renewal. The 'Primary Parent' can be manually changed to the other parent connected with the youth's account by the 'Primary Parent' in Join. Select the 'Add/Edit' parent option to see the other parent connected to the account, select this parent and the option to change the primary parent will become available by selecting the check box 'Make this parent the primary parent'.
Step 2: Select 'Register My Child' (will appear as seen below)
Step 3: Select 'Let's Get Started' from the bottom of the Overview page
Step 4: As your youth's information is saved in MyScouts you will be brought directly to the 'My Family' Page. Select the box next to the child you would like to renew in the 'Sign Up' column. If you would like to change your child's Group or Section select the pencil to edit the Section currently listed.
See red arrows in screen shot below to guide you.
Select 'Continue' at the bottom of the
Step 5: Next are the same series of screens that appear when you first completed registration. Parents are given the opportunity to update this information and accept our terms and conditions.
Once complete you will be brought to the payment page where you can complete registration, select 'Make Purchase' to make your payment and complete registration.
Help Centre
Still need help? Please feel free to contact the Scouts Canada Help Centre: