MyScouts Reports

  1. Why use reports?
  2. Where are reports located in MyScouts?
  3. Who can see which reports?
  4. Which reports are available?


Why use reports?

The 'reports' function in MyScouts is connected to our database. Reports provide up-to-date information by including everything in real time if not with 24 hours of the change being made.


Where are reports located in MyScouts?

Your account's home page, within the main menu below 'Member Options' see screen shot



Also, there is a short cut to the Member Details Report on Group and section pages, go to the 'Quick Reports' tab.



Who can see which reports?

Group Commissioners, GSSs/RMs and Council Roles can view all the reports listed in this article. Section Scouters can view contact information for parents of youth in the section they are a part of. Group Committee members other than the GC & Registrar can view all with the exception of the Management Reports & Batch Summary Report.


Which reports are available?

Volunteer Readiness

Volunteers need to be screened in order to participate in group activities.

This report shows which screening has and hasn't been completed when a Scouter completes volunteer screening.

This can be used to track a new Scouter within the screening process, see why a Scouter has gone inactive, verify how many Active Scouters you have at any given time to name and track who has completed Wood Badge l (for Group Committee or For The Canadian Path) to name a few ways.


Outstanding Training

Shows if a Scouter is missing online learning by course.


Membership Listings

Generates an up-to-date list of members used for meetings, mailing lists, and emails. Can be filtered by member status, type, role, and organization.


PRC/VSS Expiry

View when Scouters PRC is expiring.  Results can be filtered by member status, type, PRC and VSS expiry dates, and organization.


Training Listings

Lists courses Scouters have completed. These include First Aid, Wood Badge ll, Swimming levels etc...


Recognition Listing

Lists Scouters who have received commendations and awards and what they are.


Batch Detail Report

Generates a list of batches and associated invoices by registration year broken down by group, council and national fee. Use in conjunction with the discount/subsidy information in the Batch Summary Report to reconcile registration and financials over a selected period of time.


Group and Section Details Report

This report lists detailed information on groups and sections. This includes active participant counts, capacity, registration setup, meeting information and primary contact information.


Participant Registration Report

This report lists all participant registrations and includes who was registered, registration fees and for what Scouting year they were registered. The purpose of the report is to assist Groups and Councils in their accounting processes.


Waitlist Report

This report allows you to view families on the waitlist, how long they've been on the waitlist & their contact information.


Parental Involvement Report

This report shows parents who have and have not completed the Parent Involvement component in MyScouts.


Membership Summary

This report allows you to view all members across the organization's the Scouter running the report is working with.


Batch Summary

A summary of batches that can be filtered by Organization, Child Organizations, Batch Status, From Date, To Date.


Management Reports

Group Capacity Report

A report listing the capacity for each section.


Section Capacity Report

A report listing the capacity for each section.


Program Quality Awards & Seasonal Assessments

A listing of all Sections’ Seasonal Assessments and Program Quality Awards by Scouting year. The report also has summary statistics on the number and percentages of Program Quality Awards received by Groups.


Help Centre

Still need help? Please feel free to contact the Scouts Canada Help Centre:



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