How to Access "Volunteer Screening: It's Our Duty" course content


How to Access "Volunteer Screening: It's Our Duty" Course Content

This course can be taken independently by Scouters to become certified to complete interviews for Scouter Candidates. It is also a component of Wood Badge l for Group Commissioners.

As this course is not a component of Wood Badge l for The Canadian Path or Wood Badge l for Group Committee it does not automatically appear as required training for those roles.

Additional Learning allows you to release additional learning content as part of your Wood Badge I learning milestones, including Volunteer Screening: It's Our Duty course.

First, go to your Wood Badge I course:

  1. Click on Additional Learning from the to navigation bar.
  2. Next, click on the View Additional Learning
  3. Scroll down the page to view the list of Learning Topics and click “Add to My Learning” next to "Volunteer Screening: It's Our Duty!" / Become an interviewer for Volunteer Roles.
  4. Click on Content from the top navigation bar to access "Volunteer Screening: It's Our Duty" course content.AL_-_Add_page_w_numbers.jpg
  5. You will now see "Volunteer Screening: It's Our Duty" appear in the Table of Contents. Click on this topic to access the course content.
  6. Begin with the Introduction Video.


One you have completed all content, you will be awarded with the following badge:


IMPORTANT: The system takes a few moments to issue your badge, please be patient.

When you are awarded with a badge for completion, you will see a pop-up notice like this:


*Remember to Share your Award to your Learner Profile*

1. Go to View Awards from the pop-up notice or click on Awards from the top navigation bar within the Learning Centre.

2. Find the Volunteer Screening badge and click on the Share link.


3. Then click, "Share to Profile", then click Close.


This way, your Group Commissioner or Support Scouter will be able to use the Learner Progress tool to view your awards:


{Screenshot: Learner Progress view for Support Scouters}



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