Setting Group Fees FAQ

  1. Are dates inclusive?
  2. What is the date format?
  3. Why do I need to enter a fee amount for volunteers?
  4. What amount do I put in for participants if the group is not charging anything in addition to the National Fee?
  5. I've entered an incorrect fee amount, new registrations have been made and are incorrect, how do I fix this?
  6. I've entered an incorrect fee amount, new registrations have been made and are incorrect, how do I fix this?


This article will cover some commonly asked questions about setting and editing Group fee's. For detailed instructions on how to set or adjust these fees, please refer to the article here.

I have different fee amounts during the year. Are dates inclusive?

For differing fee amounts during your Scouting year, you can simply enter the end date and start dates of fees inclusively.For example, for a fee ending 31st August, and a new fee beginning 1st September. The earlier fee end date will be 31st August, the latter fee will have a start date of 1st September.

What is the date format?The date format in myscouts is mm/dd/yyyy.

Why do I need to enter a fee amount for Volunteers?

The system is set up so that it requires this information even though the fee for Volunteers is always zero. This information (along with date parameters) enables registration for Volunteers to be made in the year in question.

What amount do I enter for participants if the Group is not charging anything in addition to the National Registration Fee?

If your group is not charging any amount on top, the amount will simply be inputted as $0 for the entirity of the Scouting year. 

We entered an incorrect fee amount, new registrations have been made and are incorrect, how do I fix this?

In this instance, please immediately ensure that Group Fees are corrected to prevent further incorrect amounts.Once this is step is done, please ask parents to contact to get a correction underway for the payment.

I have inputted fees, but our Group is still not accepting new registrations, why?

Do you have Group fees entered that start from the current date? If you have selected the fee to start 1st September and the current date is before then, the fee dates won’t be effective until 1st September.

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